New this year: Nor*Cal Cyclocross Cup
The general idea is a "Best of the West" virtual series composed of the best individual events (in one editor's subjective opinion) from across the region collected into one season-long program. For you die-hard Babble readers, you might recall that this idea originated in a blog thread last season discussing what makes a Really Great Race. Well, the masses were heard, and this year a coalition of local promoters has banded together to make this happen.
This program is designed for all of you riders who enjoy your local race series, but would also travel to events from the other series around the region if you only knew which ones were the best to attend. We've cherry picked popular events from the best venues and set up the calendar so these Cup races will be the only game in town on that particular day and guaranteed to get a great turnout. There will be no calendar conflicts that force you to choose between a Cup race and your local series. There will also be perks to make things more interesting for everyone, like season points tracking, weekly race start call-ups, end of season raffle, T-shirts and other merchandise, and so on.
Here's a few details on how things are shaping up. Your comments are welcome. As this is intended to be the "People's Series" we are very eager to hear from riders as to how to make this thing work better for everyone.
Tentative calendar - Here's the races we have lined up so far. We're also thinking about adding one more event but not sure yet.
9/29 Lion of Fairfax - Marin
10/14 Sacramento Cyclocross
10/28 Velo Bella Surf City - Watsonville
11/11 Central Coast CX
11/25 Bay Area SuperPrestige - Golden Gate Park
Race Sponsors - A number of sponsors have already signed on behind the scenes to support the series, but we're looking for more. Sponsorship could be anything from merchandise schwag to food and beverages to cold hard cash. An anonymous commenter last year indicated they had a Silicon Valley sponsor in mind - make yourself known, friend.
Series Name - The working title right now is the "Nor*Cal Cyclocross Cup" - descriptive but not particularly innovative. An alternative choice is the "Mud Cup" - short and sweet and a retro throwback to a series of the same name (and same concept) run locally more than a decade ago. Do you have a preference? Got a better idea? Throw down in the comment section.
Merchandise - We are planning to offer T-shirts and socks for sale, so participants can represent for the series and also to raise some cash for the prize pot. We need volunteers to help with merchandise sales - see below.
Volunteers - Since this is a virtual series the staffing requirements are pretty minor but we do need help with a few things. Something that would really help out is to find someone who plans to attend, but not race, most of the events in the series and could help with merchandise sales. For example, if you have a bike related business and were planning to put up a booth at events, you'd be in a position to help with this. Another task that we're bound to need help with is website maintenance - uploading and maintaining the weekly scoring every Monday so riders can check out the standings, and promoters can call up leaders at the next week's race.
Race Categories - We are still working out the logistics on this one. The short story is, there will be a race for every rider at every event in the series. We can guarantee that the Cup events will be well attended and you'll have plenty of folks to compete against. However, the specific categories that are offered on each day will depend on the individual promoter; some events will have more age and grade divisions available than other events. Tracking points for all riders across different divisions may prove to be tricky. But for you, the instructions are simple: Go race, and pick whatever category is most appropriate for you on each day.
There's still a few other details to work out, but everyone involved is very excited about this new program, and we're already getting great feedback from riders who have been told about it. Let us know your comments and we should be officially kicking this off in a week or so. Throw your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.
Happy 'crossing...
Dave Carr
Photo: Chris Patterson
Mud cup? More like the dust cup!
Yeah I know, "mud cup" is more of what marketing guys would call an "aspirational" title.
What about Truckee/Reno Sagebrush races?
Yeah and what about SoCal races, and Oregon races and so on...............
I think the mix of races is perfect and all within about 4 hours of driving of each other.
Reno is in Nevada, and the Sagebrush races maybe could hook up with Boise Idaho, as that is closer to Reno then some of the Norcal spots. I think Boise and Reno and a race in Utah would make a cool Mtn West Cup.
Reno is closer to Boise Then some of the Nor-Cal spots? You might want to check a map again. It's 7.5 hrs. to Boise from Reno and 8 to 10 hrs. to Utah. 3.5 to 4 hrs. to San Francisco. Sac. to Truckee is real close. Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll stick to the Nor-Cal events.
The Sage Brush is going to happen, sorry about the delay in getting the specifics up on our web site. The Truckee race is going to be at "Northstar at Lake Tahoe" ski resort. We're still working on the course, it's tough with all the construction. Northstar is really giving us a lot of flexibility, I can guarantee a ride through the village and maybe a staircase run up. The Hidden Valley course will be awesome albeit probably dry. Hope all you flat landers can make it up to some of these.
Just to let everyone (and the Sagebrush guys) know, we did consider including NV races but decided as a first year project we need to focus on getting the most people out to the races as possible, which realistically means no Nevada races. The plan is to start small this year and move to bigger things next year. Hope that makes sense. The Reno scene is great and we hope to go there in the future.
I think we'll definitely be looking forward to adding a Sagebrush race next season.
For those of you who haven't traveled to Reno to race, it really isn't that far - go to Truckee, put your car in neutral, and you're there. The Reno Wheelmen put on some stellar races, especially at Hidden Valley Park which is one of the best venues I've ever raced.
BTW Most props go to Dave Carr for pushing this thing along - we're trying to get all we can out of him before he disappears under a pile of dirty diapers...
I did the sweetest cross race in Boise Idaho. maybe in 2 years that could be included if Reno Nevada gets in, which I hope happens as I live in Carson City. Hidden Valley is nice, especially when it snows.
Funke could you get some snow down in Golden Pate park please, and I am not talking about the snow that they sell in the streets of SF that you snort up your nose.
I like the idea of a Mtn West Cup.
I live in Carson City and the Bay Area is too far. Hidden Valley is a good venue for sure. But If I have to travel five hours for a 45 minute race, my wife will kill me. The cost of gas alone is horrible.
I will stick to the Nevada races thanks.
but I did do a cool race in down town Boise that you should all give a go one time.
Now they are doing races in Sun Valley Idaho, Velo News has the info in their schedule I think.
i am in San Louis Obispo and Reno is like 9 hours i think. But I can make the bay area in about 4 hours, speeding. So those races will work for me. thanks
This is the first year of this experiment, so I think it is good to keep it simple and compact. And depending on well its received, we can take it further from there.
Our team is proud to be a part of it. We are super excited about the concept and can't wait!
Thanks a lot to the folks behind the scenes who keep anonymous and make this happen.
Love that pic of me!
Let Cross begin!!
Does the second 'N' in NCNCA stand for Nevada? I'm never sure about that when I check out the site.
Thanks for taking over the Sagebrush series this season Shawn! Guess our 'hills' are a little to intimidating for the Bay Area crowd. See you at N* in a few weeks.
velokeith, I'm taking that last comment a little personally being the NCNCA CX Web Editor.
Feel free to read back to my last comment and eat those words.
I put content on the site as I receive content to put there. MOST of the content is generated in the Bay Area therefore most of the content pertains to racing in the Bay Area. I don't discriminate - if I got more content from Nevada I'd post it. Or, do you want me to start making shit up???
OK you guys, enough about Nevada already. Good races, not in the cup series this year, let's get through this then talk about next year.
Now for everyone else - still looking for comments on names, sponsors, what else can we do to make this successful for you the racer. Let us know....
I think it would be cool to have points for the series that are kept in this forum, and maybe a award, like a cool medal or plaque, that shows the positions of the top 5 riders in the end in all divisions.
I agree with Bella to just keep it low key and have it be a fun thing like our local cross races should be.
No need to do too much hyping of this as it will take a identity of its own. It is good to have a Sacramento race a SF race, the Surf City halloween race, and a CCCX race leading the way. These are the series that have really kept Cross going strong in Nor Cal and this is a good mix of fun Cyclocross races.
They should call it the Vanderhoot Cup. That guy is the life of the party (and I've never even met him!).
B.W. chiming in,
It is so right on to have many races filling up the schedule. Look at Track racing or Road and Crit racing, there is races going on every weekend all during the season. Every weekend you can race if you want. So it is good that the promoters have found a schedule that fills up the weeks, with out too much over lap, for a full Cross season with lots of racing action.
This Nor*Cal Cup thing just highlights a few of the best races, and that creates more options for all.
So you folks that complain there are too many races, just dont go to the races. But dont try and bring others down because you want to control the schedule. And for those who care to race, hopeully there is a option for you to race when you have a chance. It is good the season is long and full of events. For instance, if I fall and get hurt, I have time to recover, and still have races to do. If the season was minimized, I could not have time to get better from my crash and do some Cross races.
Also a long season allows riders to work their way into shape, and have many chances to practice their Cross skills.
Thank you to all who do the dirty work and labor to put on any kind of race.
I think it should be called the Carr-Funke Nor*Cal Cyclocross Premier Series.
Why not call it the Kerrigan Kup
this would show respect to Casey K
who is our commander and chief
please name it after him.
It would be nice of this was UCI sanctioned so i could recieve UCI ranking points. When I go to Europe it would help my call up positions if I had more UCI ranking points, is there any way to make this UCI status?
I will be going again for Masters Worlds and need to have a certain amount of UCI ranking points to get my front row position.
I would also like to see a first place prize of $264,567. That is the amount I have left on my mortgage, and it would be really nice if I could pay that off with my winnings from the series...
Awesome job on getting the series together. In true nor cal punk CX style shouldn't the series be called the Middle Finger Series?
You guys are too funny. Shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
The prize money sounds good. Maybe Dave Carr can kick down some ca$h and there could be good payouts for all divisions, even the C divisions.
Since this is Northern California, we need to have the series named with a beer theme.
There needs to be a beer garden at each event.
And also a smoking section.
It would be nice if Zig Zag sponsored the series.
Is there any chance Dave Carr can do massages for the riders, pre and post race? If Cave Carr was actually there doing rub downs with warm oils to the riders shaved legs, I know the series would be a success.
ok, i see this thread is going nowhere. i honestly thought we might get a good suggestion for a name for the series from you boneheads...
How about the What da Funke cyclocross series?
i heard rumors that you have to wear a dress for this series? is that true?
word on the street is that you have to cross dress to be eligible for series points? is this true? please clarify?
OK, I'll go with Mud Cup, though like the other person noted, dust cup is perhaps more appropriate. Who knows what with climate change and all maybe we will get lucky and be deluged with rain for the cx season.
I'm also gonna lobby for Master 55 catagory. So far most of the races listed show that catagory, come on Vello Bella, include us "mature" riders in your series.
First, thanks for organizing this, it sounds great. The selection of races and venues makes good sense. For your consideration I'd like to put in a plug in for Santa Cruz Cycling's "Peak Season" race 11/18 IF it's at the Watsonville Fairgrounds. The venue and timing seem more than worthy: we're in full cross season swing, the fairgrounds have seen some of the best courses and racing in Nor Cal, and it's reasonable to represent each promoter/club in the Bay Area; with an eye towards Reno, Nevada for next year.
Nor Cal CX Cup sounds a lot better than anything else suggested. Sometimes descriptive is better than innovative.
Racking my brain for a better name for this series. Mud Cup isn't just "inspirational" it's off for the time frame barring something really odd. So what defines cross, rain or shine, across different areas, types of bikes (CX or mtb, even road, geared, single speed)--I dunno, knobs? As in knobbies. The Knobby Cup?
Not to be confused with:
Not particularly catchy but maybe it will get people thinking.
Lunch is almost over,
Sweet Hell Cup
Natwick Cup
BTW we may shy away from "Nor-cal" anything - because we don't want to offend our friends in Nevada.
If it's Mud Cup - then that's mud Grade 0 on the Dave Carr Mud Index.
Please don't think we're offended in Reno. As a first time promoter I've got my hands full just getting this thing(Sage Brush Series)off the ground. I'm a lot better at building courses then filling out USCF insurance forms. I think it's great what you guys are doing. If our little shindig go's well this year and you guys have room next year for one of our races than great. If not, no worries. If someone up here gets their feelings hurt, Oh Well. The important thing is putting on quality cross races where ever they may be.
A season that runs from Sept. to March would suit me fine. Cross RULES and every other cycling sport is just "cross" training for 'cross.
I would suggest "Losers Cup" since I spent the better part of the last few minutes reading through this -- and that's how I feel!!!
Hey UCI freaks, why are you even racing here in NorCal when there are not any UCI races in the area? Make the move big boys!
May all you hard core cx-ers enjoy the dust. It will be fun riding in the mud come January. February and March while you kiddies are riding rollers inside cause the rain and mud will melt your sugary butts.
Hey maybe that would be a good name for the series: The Sugary Butt CX Series. I like it!! Look for it soon in your local NorCal grassy knoll.
OK Shawn rules, I want to go up there just to support his attitude. The above post is obviously a hater, even though I agree with his points. Whatever, there's tons of racing and this Cup thing to boot. We're stoked.
i do believe those UCI comments were in jest...
I think if we do go with Loser's Cup, then the Loser that wrote the previous post needs to be the president and the guy in charge because he is the biggest Loser of all!
He talks a big game about how he is Mr. Mud, what is the guy a worm or something?
Let him try and put some races on or a good series of races, and it would infact be called Loser's Cup because he is clearly the biggest Loser of them all.
The winners however are the racers who get to fight it out in what ever conditions are at hand in these races, mud, grass dust, whatever. and the promoters who make it all possible for the races to even go on.
It is obvious the Loser wants it to be named after himself, the guy is a Loser and when he races is a Loser. Thus his prefered name would be Loser's Cup.
Im thinking maybe Winners Cup would be good, this way that dude could never claim a prize because he is negative and will always be a Loser.
Myrah Cup
Kain Cup
Why not call it the Brij Over Mud Cup.
Or would it be bridge over mud?
The best idea's have been Dave Carr providing massages at the Cup races, and UCI points for these races.
I heard on the UCI web site that Bart Wellens is coming to one of these Cup races and he is looking for Funke............
go to UCI website and search "beat down"
It shows Funke, dressed in a skirt and thong dominating Wellens. It looks as if Funke rides him into a barrier that was moved on the course by a camera crew or something, and Wellens goes down hard from the impact of Funke driving him into a the barrier.
Wellens gets up and is looking for a fight, but Funke is long gone.
So now Wellens is coming to America looking for the USA kid Funke.
Is there any way Tom Simpson can get a hair cut and possibly work out a way for these races to have UCI point status?
I will be going over to Europe to race later in the year, and there is a new UCI rule dictating call up positions, even for Masters races, will be assigned by UCI point totals.
It would be best if there was UCI status for these races please.
'The 700c Dirt Jamboree'
'Agouraphobia and Fear of The General Los Angeles Area *cup'
'Nevada REEEALLY Sucks *cup'
'The Heathens of Jungle Cross and the Galloping Chamois Show'
'Knuckle Down and Grunt! cup*'
'Dusty Downs and the Stone Cold Defecators cup*'
ok, that one may be a better name for a cover band.
But, "Mud cup". me thinkey no.
Butt Mud Cup hmmmmmm?
This site is better than Comedy Central !! I luv it !
Do you guys really race ??
How about the 'Pantyhoes Cup' in honor of Funke?
"Loser" here,
Hater I be!!! I hate all of you primadonna pant& wast#s that claim to be winners!! If you are so good, why are you posting here? Why not get out there and kick some sorry "loser" butt?
Me thinks the reason is because you too are losers!! Last time I checked EVERYONE that finishes after first is -- wait for it -- a L-O-S-E-R!!!!
So since not everyone is a winner, why not call it a "loser" cup? Because unless there are ONLY two people in a race, everyone else is a LOSER. Heck, even the guy who wins may be a loser? I would bet that he probably is but that's not here nor there.
Anyhow, the point of my post was that back in the day (that'd be about ten years ago) when I cared enough about the sport to actually pin a number on my shoulder and slog through the mud, and set up a registration tent, and mark a course (and take down a course), I loved the fact that cross was F-U-N. No big money, no UCI points and Euro-centric babble heads, and no 'points series' to worry about. Just me, a bike, some mud - hopefully - and like minded friends. Running, riding and puking in the local park.
It was fun while it lasted.
Unfortunately, the "winners" came in and took all of that fun away. So I suggest that if YOU are really hardcore you pass on the "cup" and just enjoy the ride. Because for all you know that 'guy' you line up against is probably really named Amanda Hugenkiss.
And Funke,
The UCI comments weren't in jest....completely.
At least some people have thrown down for the prestige of hauling some serious cx pros 'cross the pond to race in NorCal.
That being said however the powers that be to the east have not been able to throw down with the $$$$ to see it happen this year!!
Advice to UCI-point chasers:
Instead of spending your pent up energy racing in a two bit series in NorCal this winter clamoring 'bout "points" the suggestion would be to gather up the bikes and make the trip to the Continent to get valuable "points" cause the ones you get in Cal-e-forn-e-ah aren't many. Are there any??
However, if you are serious about representing the NorCal cx scene in Europe this coming winter I do wish you the best of luck. You'll need it! Especially if you WANT to come back a "winner."
Out x 2
Gin 'n Teutonic here......
I dont know why I am starting to dream up names that get folks involved who really should not be involved in all this.
My Bad
I really like
Butt Mud Cup
that is a cool name
and hard core because it goes to the human core........
and has mud in it, which is so old school and rugged like the cross races 10 years ago where real men raced and filled their Butt's with Mud packing things
Like that one guy who is so bitter, he must not be getting enough Butt Mud to pack lately. But 10 years ago he seemd to get his fill, or at least get his Butt Mud filled up to the core, hard core.
The 700C Dirt Jamboree
is a catchy name
Olaf has the best names, the most catchy names,
everything he does is the best.
I am thinking we should all hold hands with flowers in our hair and run thru the mud and sing positive uplifting hippie sons!
This would make everyone happy and make all the bitter people feel loved!
to thee
"anonymous gin n teutonic here"
kindly dont pose as the original
'gin n teutonic'
take your own heritage and combine with alchoholic beverage of choice to create your own fun name.
like 'Pounding Hungarian Schlitz'
Your rubbish didnt make sense and Im having an identity crisis.
how about 'Vandal with No Handle'
-Gin n TT
to all the knuckleheads who abuse the fact that we allow anonymous posting on this blog: this is intended to be a discussion. i want to continue to allow anonymous posting but when comments get out of hand (flame wars, unbelievably dumb comments, etc) that's when we start thinking about turning it off. we are a community and we all share a common interest - let's communicate with one another with some respect, please. there's nothing wrong with dissenting opinions or even humor, just please stop posting crap you wouldn't otherwise say to any of your other friends...
Whoa, what the hell is going on here?
So there's a Nor-Cal series within the series's, thanks guys! Sounds fun, people have suggested it before so it will be nice to try.
Why are people mentioning UCI points? If you want to try getting UCI points, look at the calender and go do some UCI races. There are lots in the US, just not here in Nor-Cal. Deal with it!
I'm hoping to have fun and pin some nor-cal #'s on this year. I'm also hoping that all the anonymous dingbats that have been posting on this board stay home.
-josh snead
Olaf V. = -Gin n TT
I think that was Josh Snead calling Barry Wicks out?
How about the "Nor-Cal Cyclocross Roots Series"? While we don't have a lot of UCI stuff going on here, a lot of the "roots" of North American cyclocross can be traced back to the bay area and some of these venues.
Shawn O'
Everybody stay positive please,
but it is good to see a spunky Funke.
but no one should take ANY blog writing series, ever!
no matter how correct or right it might be, or wrong it might be.
Series, serious.
Now how am I supposed to take that seriously?
Funke, lighten up you "nevernude" ;-)
The series idea is bombdizzle.
Especially how you excluded those derelicts from the "silver state"
The name doesnt matter. How about 'Nor Cal bloggers who cant see the forest for the trees cup*'
Now its time to Chamois up, tuck your junk up and Snort like a pig!
As the warthog says:
"chamois up, tuck your junk up and snort like a pig!"
Of course, we could lose the family jewels reference since I am going to assume that a few people on this forum are members of the fairer sex. Of course, as one person above pointed out he (my assumption) sure seems to like the "backdoor" route to that. Please dude, take it to another forum.
By the way, my posts in regards to "losers" are serious from the POV of someone who paid his dues, pinned his numbers on, set-up courses here in SacTown and LOST EVERY FRICKING TIME I RACED!!!!
So cretins if you still feel like I have an inferiority complex, rermember when you raced here in SacTwon over the past decade I was probably pack fodder in your race AND I probably helped set-up, marshall and take down that course you raced on.
And as some people have pointed out on other forums here, I got very little "thanks" for my time and effort. So to all you "holier-than-thou" racer duds (and dudettes) that think winning is the ONLY thing: thank the people that make the races possible!!!
So since I doubt seriously that anyone will do so: Thanks to Dave Carr and John Funke for allowing this ranting, in addition to the awesome work they do to bring the sport to the size and prestige that it has here in NorCal. I also want to thank that Elgarts for opening my eyes to the joys of riding a cross bike in the mud, dust and snow! It has been fun! Also to all of the people that put on races in the '90s, I say "Thank You!!" because I enjoyed every minute of the races I attended. And if any of you worked those races: "Mucho gracias por favor! You kicked ass to make it more fun than most anything else you can do on two wheels." Also, best wishes to Mike McDonald for all of the years that he has raced for the Jaeger Wheelmen. That guy is HARD CORE!!! Win, lose or draw he shows up to throw his best stuff out there! And all you whipper-snappers who think you're hot sheet, maybe you should stop and talk to the guys who have raced for decades; you might actually learn something.
One final note (if you even care): cross is fun, and it always will be, however the cretins that HAVE TO WIN AT ALL COSTS make it less than interesting. So the next time you decide to take a short cut, or hang out behind the fence for a lap or two, think about what you are doing for yourself. And then think about the people in your class that you are cheating out a fair race. And then ask yourself, as you climb that podium: "Do I like this?"
You probably know my answer, and that is why I won't be racing cross any time soon. For those that seem to feel that one less bad apple is good for the core, maybe you should think about where your sponsor money is coming from, cause I am not going to throwing it your way anytime soon. Live and learn kiddies.
out and on to greener pastures....
Can I root around in your greener pastures?
Green pastures are good for CX races, will you set up a course there?
Mike Mcdonald sounds cool, I bet He can ride like the wind.
I am thinking maybe you are smoking too much green out in the pastures dude.
There have been so many cross races going on long before sacramento ever had a series silly rabbitt.
So you set up a course and cleaned it up and tried to race without being lapped, congratulations!
Seems to me you still have some mud and snow stuck in your ear or somewhere because you really freak out about stuff.
1% of the people who race in this area do it for money and the race series themselves have never ever had huge sponsorship money supporting them, so please take your chump change and psycho ranting and settle down, because you are getting all worked up over yourself.
Take a few deep breaths and relax.
If you do not spend a few dollars to race then that is your choice, just please enjoy your riding and your life, and try not to bring people down with some of your bitter ways.
Mike McDonald lapped you, so just deal with it.
Josh Sneads poodle says.......
somebody please give me a doggy bone
Ruff Ruff
Josh Sneads facial hair is so ruff ruff
Just wondering about Euro courses, and courses from Canada or Mexico?
Do North American Cross courses non USA vary from region to region or do individual decisions dictate the deciding layouts of directors? Funke can you elaborate on this topic, or Dave Carr can you do some research into this matter?
keep up the good revues. the ranter in the group - I appreciate your thanks but I still don't get what exactly you're ranting about, other than not getting properly thanked. I don't understand all this about "winners" taking away the great vibe you remember from your good old days of racing. And as for cheaters, has this really been a problem in Norcal CX? If it were, I think I'd be one of the first to know about it...
For you, CX was "Just me, a bike, some mud - hopefully - and like minded friends. Running, riding and puking in the local park." Well, I think you're not alone there, hence the popularity of our sport has grown and (apparently to your dismay) so has the competition. Even so, when I line up at the start and look around me, I still see a bunch of my buddies gearing up to cough up a lung and have some fun.
Furthermore, "The Cup" is NOT about creating another chance for riders to win something, it's about showcasing the best that our district has to offer, giving riders from different areas a chance to sample the races from another area...
Anything anyone does to pump up the Cross racing around here is sweet!
I want to say awsome work to everyone who works behind the scenes to give me a chance to race anywhere!
Dirt, Grass, Pavement, Mud!
I just want to say thanks to everyone who works to allow me to race!
Hey, Dave and Funke! Here's a serious suggestion. Could you make some type of notation on the calendar page that distinguishes the NCNCA CX Cup races (my new title suggestion)? Maybe highlight them in a different color? Please?
How about - "Not Mud Cup"
Another option would be the "Sandbagger Cup" for anybody racing in B's or C's. I suggest the relatively simple equation:
Winner = (A+B+C)/(D+E)
A = points awarded in race
B = 10 points if you shave your legs or 35 points if you also have a coach
C = number of spare bikes
D = number of kids
E = number of hours worked that week
This will be an easy way to shed some light on who should be moving up to a faster category.
How about
F = the grade you get for that last post.
that was a failure
It's ok, I forgive you. I know that you're upset cause you just cut your knee shaving.
Oh man, I LOVE the name "Sandbagger Cup". It's frickin' perfect!
"Sandbagger Cup" is perfect.
We should get Funke's Jock Strap and have that be the final prize.
A Sports Cup for the winner, and something a racer can use to protect their balls, and the women racers can use to protect their stuff too when they mount the bike.
"Sandbagger Cup" is perfect.
CX Overlords (Funke, Carr and the powers that be),
Chance of a throwout. Like best 3 plus the finals. As to not place such an emphasis on abilty to put petrol on the charge card?
Keep it real - Keep it green
If we could have someones sports protection cup(Funke's if possible) filled up with some sand,
and presented to the winners of each division at each race by Dave Carr
then the
Sandbagging Cup would be a perfect title for this
And I think it would be best if zero throw out races at all would be counted.
This Sandbagging Cup should favor the racer who makes all the events not some cheap skate who is worried about paying for too much gas to make it to ALL the races.
Pretty sure the series will be best 4 of 5 - the main reason behind that is the USGP conflict with Velo Bella, but global warming sounds just as good to me. Details to be released soon but please keep the suggestions coming.
btw I don't wear a cup or a jockstrap when I race - are you guys confused? we're not talking about the Stanley Cup...
The Sandbaggers Cx Cup
Has to be.
It's so up front / a great
sense 'o humor
even chuckie will like it !!
This has been a great work in progress.
Funke is taking things light hearted.
The world is a better place right now from this action.
I would like to see the series be best 1 of the 5 count to the series score. This way you can get good series points by just doing a race close by, thus saving gas. This will lead to less global warming and more sandbaggers being ranked high in the series standings with out having to face other riders who would crush them if they traveled and raced far away races.
So it should be best 1 of the 5 races counted to overall score.
I'm hoping to have fun and pin some nor-cal #'s on this year. I'm also hoping that all the anonymous dingbats that have been posting on this board stay home.
-josh snead
does this mean josh snead is looking to pin some nor-cal #'s on this year, so he does not have to try and travel to the USGP races and pin on #'s just to get lapped by the leaders????
are you sure you do not want to pretend to be a contender just to pin some USGP #'s on and get lapped, that seems to be your specialty. dingbat
Hey you guys should take it easy on Funke, as he is hurt again ( With Hernando down, Funke out, it looks like Carr might be next. Be careful out there Dave...
whoa, didn't actually check out this post when you told me about it John. my bad.
i missed out on some ... stuff.
right on, guess it means there's good juices flowing for the season already. has somebody warned the Livermore crew to expect a big, or at least small but vocal turnout?
right on. can't wait to see how it rumbles.
I like Myrah Cup for the name.
Or the Kerrigan Kup.
These would be good names for this series.
I miss Damon Kluck racing, he developed into one of the best cross racers in his time, starting out as a junior in local cross races, and the............
Kluck Kup sounds good.
How about the, I dont give a Hoot Vanderhoot Cup.
I heard each race will carry a certain point status for UCI ranking?
This will help with my Europe call ups when I race there.
How do I find out the UCI ranking system for each race when downloaded to my overall Masters UCI ranking?
How about the............ OLAF STINKY VANDER-POOP Cup??
i smell a real winner,
olaf's stinky poop vanderhoot cup.
Yes! Once again, my quads are all over the internet!
NorCal Cross Cup (virtually the same, but it goes down a little smoother)
Abraham Cup (for Farid)
Robinson Cup (because who doesn't like Justin?)
Cup of Anaerobia
Or we just get a big ass major sponsor and name it after them, like Bank of America, or some such craziness.
Hey! Has snead ever been lapped at a USGP? Maybe go take a look at past results. Definitely not a contender, but I can't see where he's ever been lapped at a GP...
Well crap, can't I have a hobby? Getting the hell kicked out of me at big cross races is more fun than collecting stamps, and it's good for my health.
This year I just figured I can get a pretty solid asskicking right here in my back yard at a bargain price. And that's good for everybody!
Maybe tomorrow's rumble in Livermore will settle folks down. See ya there, bitchiz!
People seem to have a lot of time to discuss Josh's past performances and the art of "chasing UCI points" - maybe you should focus on your own performances instead of criticizing one of our district's fastest riders.
Also know that a handful of UCI points can make the difference between getting top 20 at Elite Nationals, and getting lapped there - I experienced both sides of the coin on consecutive years.
As a father of an up an coming junior I was wondering if there would be a junior catgory for this series. I think it would add alot of value to this series if this happened
Stop complaining.
You'll all be suffering at the Cantankerous Cup no matter who you are.
seems mr. cantankerous
that you are the constant complainer?
How about the Gnar Cal Cup.
Cause you know that's how the bro bras do it in the north state.
That would be hella sick!
how about the bro bras gnar gnar and eachothers feet and toes like they do in the north? they are soft in the north, sorry to say.
Chuck Scarpelli said:
this has got to be the best bike blog i know of.............
so much entertainment/talent here !
whatever the "cup/series" is called
i like the idea of naming it after a local retired champion.
Dang, I stopped following this thread for a while, then 107 friggin posts later we are still going strong. Anyway referring to the warthog post I am already down for the count... new future sandbagger champion baby bike racer due at the end of sept, approx the same date as the season opener at Fairfax. Oh well....
here's my latest name:
NorCal* Cross Cup
...the asterisk stands for "don't forget Nevada".
NCNCA Cross Cup sounds dum.
As to the champions name who do you pick? Natwick? Myrah? Nall? Malone? Kluck? J-M? McDonald? Casey? Clark?
I vote for a former Bay Area Nat'l Champ:
#1 Myrah Cup (sounds good and still rings familiar to some)
#2 Malone Cup (old school, yo
No offense to Clark Natwick - who should be a shoe-in for this, but Tom puts on the GP Clark Natwick at GGP...not sure if that's the case this year but...
Dave Carr said....
"As to the champions name who do you pick? Natwick? Myrah? Nall? Malone? Kluck? J-M? McDonald? Casey? Clark?"
I assume when you say Casey you are referring to Casey Kunselman another one of your local Cross national champions
Of course we shouldn't forget some of our female Cross champions for consideration like Mary Ann Allen or Elizabeth Chapman or maybe some of our Jr national champs Jim Gentes or Daryl Price
I was refering to Casey Kerrigan, with the Kerrigan cup.
I also came up with Kain Cup, for Shari Kain, who used to be the alpha female for nor-cal by far.
You seemed to leave S. Kain out of your female list Casey.
I also suggested the Myrah Cup first, he was the man, made the Olympics and showed all our fast boys now how to do it.
Yeah what about Daryl Price? maybe the Price is Right Cup. He was a guy who was one of the first locally to make it to the top of the mountain in Mtn Biking and have a true factory ride with Specialized. Cross for sure helped him along the way.
But we all need to take a step back and possibly name it the FUNKE CUP.
or the CARR CUP.
I only left Shari off the list because I was looking at an older rule book that had a list of national champions from before Shari won her nationals.
Maybe since we have so many past national champions from all levels we could be honoring we call it the Champions Cup. Have a large Cup as the ongoing trophy prize that has the names of all the past and future Nor Cal Cross national winners engraved on it.
Chuck Scarpelli said:
Yeah, so many retired m/f national champs from around here..........
with past champions names engraved on the cup, swell idea !
does "The Legacy Cup" sound like a candidate ?
time to go ride
I like the last 2 ideas
a cup recognizing todays and past champions
nice idea casey
lets make that one go
How about the "Silver and Gold Cup?" This would be to represent Nevada (the silver state) and California (the golden state). It would definitely make for a cool looking trophy. I'm picturing a bowl. One half silver one half gold.
Wayno here from Downieville, we are looking into doing some cross races up this way as soon as the 1st week in Nov. Things will be full d-ville style so check back with us after interbike.Hopfully a little snow to keep it
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